AV Guy Entering the IT world

So what is this about? Why make a career blog journey? Who is listening? Who cares?

I Am. I Do.

Also to get better aquatint with Gutenberg blocks and reliability of my webserver. So I started a new job and about 1 month in I am adjusting to the new found freedom that comes with the title of “Audio Visual Specialist”. Throughout my various jobs there has been small sparks of creative control, but this is the first time people are coming to me on a daily basis asking things like

How do I make this happen? What devices do I need? How do we build this out? When can we meet for a consultation?

various co-workers

I consider myself a self driven person, but that also comes with it’s own problem of following the rabbit hold of holy grail of information known as THE INTERNET.

I was asked by my boss “What sort of certs do you think will apply to your position?”. To which I thought ~This will be easy, with a search engine at my fingertips I’ll be dropping into a course to level up my career in no time~. Surprisingly there isn’t a whole lot to the professional world of AV. With Crestron dominating the teaching and deployment of most commercial AV systems, that leaves only scraps for the prosumer market. But after absorbing and documenting all the AV equipment onsite I got a better idea of where to start. Not only that but being integrated into the IT world, I’m starting to see a lot of overlap. Here is my initial short list.

Right now I’m trying to chew through Biamp’s Tesira course because it has a great user experience and it’s really important to gain control knowledge of the DSP. Also being intune with the A side of AV I think it’s a great start.


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